Pete "you watch what happens when I pull his tail" Mesley with mosaic moray
Middle Arch
Poor Knights Islands
20 January 2007
Schooling blue mao mao (Scorpis violaceus)
Blue Mao Mao Arch
Poor Knights Islands
21 January 2007
Demoiselle (Chromis dispilus) tending eggs
Blue Mao Mao Arch
Poor Knights Islands
21 January 2007
Demoiselle (Chromis dispilus) with Yukon Charters' Arrow at anchor above
Blue Mao Mao Arch
Poor Knights Islands
21 January 2007
John, Pete & Jane (L to R) doing rebreather training
South Harbour
Poor Knights Islands
21 January 2007
Long-finned boarfish (Zanclistius elevatus) are seldom seen schooling in these numbers
Oculina Point
Poor Knights Islands
23 October 2005
Shaun Cartwright in the arch
Blue Mao Mao Arch
Poor Knights Islands
6 March 2005
Striped boarfish (Evistias acutirostris) are rarely seen at the Poor Knights. A long-finned boarfish (Zanclistius elevatus) can be seen in the background (to right)
South Harbour
Poor Knights Islands
6 March 2005